Monday, May 07, 2007

83-year-old woman has facelift

Betty Lewis is aiming to look her best on her 84th birthday - thanks to a facelift and injections to plump out her wrinkles.

While most women her age are prepared to let nature take its course, the grandmother of five says: "I fully intend to grow old disgracefully. At my time of life you don't care what people think anymore."

Betty Lewis

Betty decided the £5,000 facelift was the only thing that would cheer her up when husband Bill died after 63 years of marriage.

She says: "I was told there was a chance I might not make it through the op - but decided it would have been a good way to go! If you're going to die it might as well be while you're being made beautiful."

"I felt young inside - and now I look young outside. What's more, I've still got all my own teeth - not many people can say that at my age!"

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