Thursday, May 31, 2007

Slang dictionary for OAP staff

Older workers at Tesco are being given a guide to youth slang – to help them understand younger colleagues and customers.

The pamphlet is being tried out in some of the supermarket giant’s 1,500 stores with a high proportion of employees over retirement age and lists a string of phrases commonly used by the young.


Alongside each expression is a translation so older folk can check out exactly what they mean.

Key phrases in the guide include:

A and B and the C of D: Above and beyond the call of duty.

Bad: Good (but this can also mean bad. When in doubt, just nod).

Ballin’: Doing well.

Blood: Mate, chum.

How’s it hanging’?: How are you today?

Is it, blood?: You know, mate? Oh, really mate?

Laters: Cheerio, goodbye.

Minging: Ugly, unattractive.

Phat: Wicked (in the good sense), cool.

Slammin’: Pleasing to the eye.

Safe blood: Brilliant.

Talk to the hand: I’m not listening.

What you chattin’ about?: Shut up, you are talking absolute rubbish.

Wack: Weak, boring.

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