Saturday, June 23, 2007

Meet Elwood - the World's Ugliest Dog

Elwood, a 2-year-old Chinese Crested and Chihuahua mix, was crowned the world's ugliest dog yesterday, a distinction that delighted the New Jersey mutt's owners.

Elwood, dark coloured and hairless , save for a mohawk-like puff of white fur on his head , is often referred to as "Yoda," or "ET," for his resemblance to those famous science fiction characters.

Elwood the World's Ugliest Dog

"I think he's the cutest thing that ever lived", said Elwood's owner, Karen Quigley, a resident of Sewell, New Jersey.

Quigley said she rescued Elwood two years ago. "The breeder was going to euthanize him because she thought he was too ugly to sell," said Quigley.

"So ha ha, now Elwood's all over the Internet and people love him and adore him."

With more photos.

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