Saturday, June 09, 2007

Web site takes a pop at Dingwall

This is just brilliant.

A few weeks ago, b3ta regular The Duke Of Prunes did an Uncylopedia 'article' on his hometown.

Click for full size image.

This week the story was picked up by the local paper.

Councillor Maggie Patterson

Councillor Maggie Patterson, a mum of nine, comes in for some comic treatment: "Maggie regularly travels to great booze-ups throughout the Highlands and Islands where she dines in the finest of restaurants... and stays in the most luxurious of hotels. In 1977 she introduced the 'Maggie Patterson good time tax' where each citizen is charged £900 a month to fund her lavish lifestyle."

But this week newly-re-elected Councillor Patterson told the North Star she would not be contacting her lawyers and said she found the web page highly amusing.

"I'm not offended by it. I just laughed. Some of the language is a bit coarse, but otherwise it's a hoot. Everybody's talking about it.

"But I would have hoped for a better photograph of me! I'm very curious to know who's written it."

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