Wednesday, July 25, 2007

£350 million shopping centre forced to change name by coven of witches

A coven of elderly witches has claimed victory in a bizarre battle to have the name of a £350 million shopping centre changed.

They objected after the developer, Hammerson, announced that it would be calling a huge addition to Leicester's Shires mall Highcross Quarter.

That is the name given by witches to the four most important periods in the "wicca" calendar.

Once the name was announced, the witches, wizards and gnomes immediately registered several internet domain names using the term. Then they set up a website that they have used to discuss their beliefs.

Morrigan Wisecraft, a witch from Loughborough, Leics, said she was contacted by Hammerson within days of registering the domain names incorporating the name Highcross Quarter last year.

She claimed the group was offered large amounts of money to part with the titles, before Hammerson took the matter to the United Nations' World Intellectual Property Organisation (Wipo), which adjudicates on internet domain names.

Now the company has appeared to have given up on the fight, saying the name has "evolved" to Highcross Leicester. It did not comment on whether pressure from the local "alternative faith group" was behind the decision.

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