Saturday, July 28, 2007

Row after man misses own funeral

Falkirk Council has defended a decision to alter a man's funeral arrangements because of his size.

The man, who has not been named, is understood to have been about 6ft 6in tall and to weigh about 20 stone.

Family members were due to arrive for a funeral service at the Alexander Easton Funeral Home in Bonnybridge at 1030 BST on Wednesday 18 July.

But council officials had arranged for the man's coffin to be placed in his grave at the same time.

Funeral director Graham Alexander said that after the ceremony was complete, mourners followed a hearse containing flowers and no coffin to the cemetery. The graveside service itself went ahead as normal.

He added: "You would expect the person that has died to be at their own funeral. Everyone expects that they will participate in some way."

The local authority said a risk assessment of the burial had been carried out and the arrangements were made to ensure they complied with health and safety requirements.

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