Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Why kissing means so much more to women than men

If a picture is worth a 1,000 words, so may be a kiss - or certainly to a woman anyway, researchers say.

A New York State University team quizzed over 1,000 students, finding women place a big emphasis on kissing.

They use kissing as a way of assessing the recipient as a potential partner, and later to maintain intimacy and to check the status of a relationship.


But men placed less importance on it, using it to increase the likelihood of sex, Evolutionary Psychology reported.

But kissing was more important as a bonding mechanism to women.

In long-term relationships females not only rate kissing as more important than men, but they indicated that kissing was important throughout a relationship. Meanwhile, men placed less importance on kissing as the relationship progresses.

With news video.

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