Monday, October 15, 2007

Man had two screwdrivers in his underpants

When police searched a suspect, they found he had two screwdrivers in his underpants, a court heard. Both had blue handles, Calderdale magistrates were told.

The alarm had been raised after Richard David Bull, 32, of Grove Park, Ovenden, Halifax, was seen by a witness climbing out of a window at disused premises at Holmfield, Halifax. Police arrived and found Bull with his head inside a fridge-freezer.

He told them he was looking for scrap metal. He was arrested.

Andy Wills, prosecuting, said: "When searched, two blue-handled screwdrivers were found in his boxer shorts."

Bull admitted going equipped for burglary.

Keiron Green, for Bull, said: "He was looking for scraps of metal to supplement his benefits." He was given a 12-month community order with supervision.

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