Monday, October 15, 2007

Man 'slept next to corpse after murder'

An artist allegedly killed a woman he had been dating for one week and slept next to her decaying corpse for two nights in the apartment he shared with his grandmother.

After being arrested earlier this week, 29-year-old Michael Lenahan allegedly confessed to killing the woman, Lorna Santiago,38, at his New York apartment, the New York Post reported.

After the killing, he wrote an apology on the wall and later called his brother to admit, "I screwed up." The brother called their mother, who found the body and notified police.

Michael Lenahan

Police said that last Saturday night, Mr Lenahan and his girlfriend went to a topless bar, where he paid $50 for her to receive lap dances. The following day in his apartment, which he shared with his grandmother who was aged in her 80s, the couple began arguing over the money spent the previous night.

After being kicked in the groin, Mr Lenahan allegedly strangled his girlfriend to death.

Over the next two nights, Mr Lenahan allegedly slept on a bed next to the corpse. He has been charged with second-degree murder.

There's a Crime Library report here.

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