Thursday, November 01, 2007

Baby hurt by firework lit in shop

A baby escaped serious injury after a man in Halloween fancy dress set off an industrial-style firework in an off-licence, police said yesterday.

The man, who was wearing a skeleton mask, exploded a firework containing up to 200 rockets inside the shop in Bolton.

The shopkeeper reacted quickly and managed to kick the firework into the shop's porch where it was contained until it went out.

He was uninjured, but his 15-month-old son was taken to Royal Bolton Hospital as a precaution after vomiting due to smoke inhalation.

Inspector Tony Kenyon, of Greater Manchester Police, said: "This was one of the worst incidents I have ever seen of someone abusing a lit firework and endangering lives.

"This was not a small firework. It could be described as an industrial-style firework with up to 200 repeat rounds so the risk of endangering life was very high."

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