Thursday, November 22, 2007

Man declared brain dead wakes up just before organ donation

An Oklahoma man declared brain dead shocks everyone when he suddenly reaches for the nurse who was prepping him for organ donation.

21-year-old Zack Dunlap was critically injured while riding an all terrain vehicle near the town of Davidson.

His family is calling this story a miracle. One moment, they're saying goodbye to him, the next, they're being told he has come back to life.

Zack suffered severe head injuries in the accident. Monday morning, at a Wichita Falls hospital, the highway patrol said Zack was pronounced brain dead.

Shortly after, a nurse was preparing him for organ donation when the unthinkable happened. Oklahoma state trooper Betsy Randolph said, "During this time, while the nurse was prepping his body for organ transplant, he grabbed her arm."

"The doctor came back down and said 'Well, I don't know what happened. But I guess it was faulty equipment on the first test. Which, it wasn't faulty equipment. God touched him," said Dunlap's uncle James Blackford .

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