Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Australia drafts 'batter an orphaned kangeroo' guidelines

Australian animal protection groups questioned on Monday a new government guide for the humane killing of kangaroos which recommends "forcefully swinging" the heads of young animals against a vehicle tow bar.

A proposed code of conduct for shooting young kangaroos, called joeys, and smaller wallabies released by the Department of Environment also recommended a single close-range shotgun blast.

"These changes are basically saying the federal government believes it's okay to blast a defenceless joey to bits with a shotgun," Pat O'Brien, President of the Wildlife Protection Association said.

The draft national code aims to guide people on humane disposal of orphaned joeys, which live in their mothers' pouches, after the parent has either been shot or hit by a vehicle. The code rejected sending orphaned joeys to wildlife centres.

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