Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Barbers in a signage tangle

A barber shop forced to advertise itself as a chemist because of planning laws has now been told it is breaching medical laws.

Rob Anderson and Dave Banks, of Trafalgar Barbers, have become trapped in an increasingly bizarre web of red tape.

During renovations to the property in Trafalgar Street, Brighton, a 1930s fascia was uncovered with "J. Barker", "dispensing chemist" and "practical phrenologist" carved in ornate gold leaf writing.

They were then told by planning officers from the city council they must keep the old sign as it is protected by conservation laws - even though it advertised the wrong kind of business.

Then last week the barbers received a letter from the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain saying it was illegal to advertise themselves as a "dispensing chemists" when they weren't.

Mr Anderson said: The council has made us break the law. It feels like we are in a no win situation and it is all a bit bizarre. We never wanted the sign in the first place but were told we had no choice."

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