Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Council staff 'not allowed' to help disabled boy get to school

Mornings have become a farce for a Teesside mum who has to lift her disabled son off the school bus because health and safety laws have stopped council staff from helping.

Kelly Alderson, who has two disabled boys, sees her son Owen off on the school bus to Pennyman Primary School, Middlesbrough - but then drives to the school herself to carry him off.

Each day Kelly, 28, of Bruntons Manor Court, Pallister Park, has to get her sons Aaron, 11, and Owen, three, - who both have cerebral palsy - ready for the school bus at 8.20am.

She then takes her husband Vincent to work at SG Petch, Middlesbrough, and returns home to get daughter Dionne, four, to the same school by 8.45am.

She then has to rush to another part of the school to lift Owen off the bus and into his pushchair, as she says staff refuse to help.

Kelly says the problem only happens in the morning, not in the evening on the home route. In an evening, all three children finish at different times and Owen returns with an escort, who does lift him. Now council bosses have today stepped in to offer special training to staff to try and solve the situation.

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