He had sprayed his neighbour, John Tait, 67, with water after he complained that Mr Cornwall was dumping branches in his garden. Mr Cornwall said yesterday: "He was angry, red-faced and shouting. I had the hose in my hand, so without really thinking about it, I sprayed him with water."
Mr Cornwall said that Mr Tait carried on shouting so he sprayed him again, prompting his neighbour to dial 999. Officers arrested Mr Cornwall at his home in Shoreham, West Sussex, as he washed his car with his five-year-old son. Mr Cornwall said: "Everything was incredibly formal, very stiff and serious.

"I had to give a DNA sample and have fingerprints taken. They took a photo and I had to give a tape-recorded statement as well. It took hours. All I could think was 'this is completely ridiculous' so I thought it would be easiest if I just admitted to assault."
Mr Cornwall was given an official caution and driven home. "The whole thing was a complete waste of time for everyone involved," he said.
A spokesman for the force said: "Sussex Police takes all offences seriously and will act to ensure that such incidents do not escalate into anything more serious."
Photo from here.
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