Sunday, April 20, 2008

Disabled man given ASBO after bombarding council with 10,000 calls in just four months

A disabled man has been given an ASBO – for bombarding council staff with 10,000 phone calls in four months.

Wheelchair-bound Robert Bullough, 59, made 681 calls in just one day and 5,000 over a five-week period – causing some harassed staff to consider quitting.

A court has now banned him from all council buildings and from threatening staff or ringing officials, except in an emergency, for two years.

He accepted the number of calls had been “a nuisance”, but said they did not cost him a penny – they were free under his broadband package.

But moaning Bullough, who called to complain about the cost of home helps, now says he will write instead.

After the AntiSocial Behaviour Order was made, Bullough said: “If they had helped me in the first place I wouldn’t have had to contact them so many times.” He added: “This ASBO doesn’t stop me writing letters – I can write as many as I like.”

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