Thursday, May 08, 2008

Alleged thief takes own mug shot

Bensalem Police say they have a robber in custody; who assisted in his own arrest by snapping pictures with his victims.

A group of three women enjoying a party at a Bensalem bar early Sunday became frustrated with 31-year-old Andre Smith, after he kept interrupting their party, and even jumping in their photos.

A bar employee eventually threw Smith out of the bar for being "annoying" according to Bensalem Director of Public Safety Fred Harran.

After being ejected from the bar, Smith waited for the three women to leave and allegedly robbed them at point of a faux gun, stealing cash, and other valuables.

The victims were able to show responding officers pictures of Smith they snapped earlier in the evening.

Detectives used those same photos to identify and arrest Smith, found hanging outside of a Bensalem apartment complex on Sunday. Smith has been charged with robbery, theft, and recieving stolen property. He is being held at the Bucks County Prison on $50,000 bail.

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