Sunday, May 25, 2008

No serious injuries from 'Spider-Man' jump

A Miramar, Florida woman said her young grandson suffered only bumps and bruises after he jumped from a second-story balcony while emulating Spider-Man.

Ruth Torres said her grandson Dejohn, 4, was imitating his favorite super hero when he leapt from the balcony of her second-story apartment and into the bushes below.

Luckily, he landed in a bush and missed the sidewalk by a few inches," Miramar police spokesman Bill Robertson said.

Torres said she soon noticed the balcony door open and the flattened bushes below and set out to find her grandson within the gated community. However, the boy had wandered near a busy roadway, where a passerby found him about 45 minutes after his jump and notified police.

Dejohn was reunited with his grandparents later in the day, Robertson said. "The story the grandmother told us matches up when he was checked out by two doctors," Robertson said. "His injuries were consistent with that of a fall from a balcony."

"He said he wanted to fly like Spider-Man," Ruth Torres said. "He's a mischievous kid, but he knows better."

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