Since then, the father of five has developed smooth skin, hot flushes and breasts.
Mr Wright, a pub singer from Birmingham gets harassed by local children who call him the "She-Man".

Photo from here.
Blood tests have revealed that Mr Wright has abnormally high levels of the female hormone oestrogen. But doctors who have examined him say they have never seen such a case – and do not know what to do to reverse the process.
Some testicular cancers can produce high levels of oestrogen and drugs that used to treat prostate cancer can have similar effects, however doctors say this in not true in this case.
An MRI scan has ruled out the oestrogen surge being caused by a tumour and a psychiatrist has judged him mentally sound. Mr Wright added: "Doctors call me an 'interesting case' and 'unique' but I just want to go back to being a proper man."
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