Sunday, July 13, 2008

Gangs use violence to steal pets

An animal charity says criminal gangs are becoming increasingly prepared to use violence to steal pets.

Dog Lost says there are cases of gangs threatening owners with knives and even guns to steal rare or expensive dogs.

Spokeswoman Jane Hayes said it took over 100 calls a week from owners that believe their dogs have been stolen.

The Missing Pets Bureau, which says one-third of missing dogs are actually stolen, reports a surge in owners using pet detectives to find their animals.

Ms Hayes, of Dogs Lost, said that part of the problem was that the police did not take dog thefts seriously. "There are two types of dog thief. You've got your professionals that travel around the country and they're after the working dogs - lurchers, terriers, labradors, and then unfortunately the biggest increase lately is inner city, where it's basically for drug money.

"They see a dog tied up outside a shop, they walk off with it and sell it round the corner in the local pub for £20, £30. Unfortunately these ones get more and more violent. Now they realise they're desperate for money they're attacking owners at knifepoint in parks in daylight."

With news video.

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