Monday, July 28, 2008

Snooker-playing dog run over by owner

A snooker-playing dog, who starred on TV programme Britain's Got Talent, has died after accidentally being run over by his owner. Distraught Geoff Davies, 39, accidentally crushed Blue the collie while the dog was snoozing under a tractor he was driving.

Mr Davies, a bus driver, who picked Blue up from a rescue home 11 years ago, said: "I'm absolutely heartbroken. It all happened last Tuesday, it was a really hot day. We were over in the fields and he was running around. He was hot so he went to lie under the tractor, so he could keep cool in the cold soil.

"I got back in the tractor and carried on working, not realising he was there. Just after I pulled off I saw him out of the corner of my eye. By the time I realised he was there it was too late, he was almost gone. I was really broken up. It was to late to call the vet, so I just sat with him, while he drifted off.

"I always imagined being sat on the sofa, while he drifted away. I can't believe he's gone like this. It's been hard the last few days."

Blue started playing pool when he was still a puppy at the Boreatton Arms in Bastchurch, Shropshire, where he learned to mimic his owner on the baize.

Mr Davies said the community had been rocked by Blue's sudden death. He added: "I've had all my friends around me, and one of my carpenter friends made a box to put him in."

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