Tuesday, August 05, 2008

British government bans the word 'obese' to describe overweight children

Parents of primary schoolchildren will start getting letters next month telling them how fat their children are under Government plans to tackle childhood obesity. But however much they weigh, no child will ever be described as “obese”.

The Department of Health faced criticism yesterday for a “prissy” approach to tackling obesity after it said that it did not want the term “obese” included in the letters.

The department said that research had shown that the term was a turn-off, so instead it will use the term “very overweight” for those children whose body mass index exceeds 30, in an attempt to enlist parents’ support.

Among other forbidden words is “exercise”. Will Cavendish, director of health and wellbeing at the department, said that this, too, conveyed an unhelpful image to parents. Being “physically active” is preferred.

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