Saturday, August 02, 2008

The world's most advanced rocking horse

Devoted equestrians can now trot and canter in the comfort of their own home thanks to the world's most advanced rocking horse.

The £40,000 virtual reality riding machine combines a mechanical horse with a host of electronic sensors and a screen, to recreate the joys of an outdoor ride without the need for mucking out.

The Ridemaster Pro, which is made by Racewood Simulators, is proving a hit with those who live in cities or who want to ride but don't want to brave the elements.

Designer and company managing director Bill Greenwood said: "Private individuals buy them who don't have space for a horse in central London.

"You don't need the space or a dressage arena because it's not physically going anywhere - you can put it in a small room or in a garden shed."

The 'horse' is described as being perfectly schooled and capable of doing advanced movements such as 'medium trot, medium canter, lateral work and rein back'.

There's a video here.

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