Thursday, September 11, 2008

Baby answers phonecall to help unconscious mother

An 11-month-old baby helped raise the alarm that her mother had collapsed unconscious by using a mobile phone.

Amelia Boyle, known as Millie, picked up the ringing mobile and answered the call when her mother Elizabeth, 20, fainted in the hall of their home.

Linda Wright, Millie's grandmother, was on the other end of the line and heard the baby say "Who's that?" and "Mama".

The girl is not allowed to play with the mobile so Mrs Wright knew something was wrong with Millie's mother, who has a history of fainting and fitting, and dialled 999.

Miss Boyle, whose phone it was, woke up in her home in Braintree, Essex, to hear police and ambulance crews at her door.

She became confused and told them she had not called them so the officers broke down the door to get in and help. A few minutes later three paramedics arrived and examined her. She did not need hospital treatment.

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