Saturday, September 27, 2008

Conker Championships secure unlikely sponsor

The World Conker Championships has found what some might consider a rather unlikely sponsor - the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

Keen to shrug off their spoilsport image and further dispel the myth that they make children wear protective goggles for the playground game, health and safety officers have also entered a team in the tournament.

After years of being derided for banning such jolly pastimes as sweets being thrown into the audience at theatres and balloon modelling by clowns, the supposed killjoys have said enough is enough.

Ray Hurst, IOSH president, said he was looking forward to showing that health and safety workers were not spoilsports at the championships, which take place in Ashton, Northamptonshire, on 12 October. "We do not, and never have, required children to wear goggles to play conkers," Mr Hurst said.

"These decisions are being taken by people who have limited knowledge of health and safety and who haven't sought the advice of a health and safety expert, or are simply scared senseless by the perceived compensation culture. Health and safety doesn't require goggles at conker matches, and it doesn't ban goggles from swimming pools."

According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) website, it was a headteacher who came up with the idea of children wearing goggles to play conkers, and subsequently other schools banned the game on health and safety grounds. The HSE said the safety risk from playing conkers was "incredibly low and not worth bothering about".

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