Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Abstract art 'hung wrong way round' by Tate gallery

Two paintings by the artist Mark Rothko, famous for his bold stripes and squares, may have been hung the wrong way round by curators at a major gallery.

Two abstract works by the American are displayed at the Tate Modern in London but there have been claims that they are being displayed on their side, against his wishes.

The two paintings from the Black on Maroon series have been hung vertically with bold stripes running from top to bottom.

However, Rothko is thought to have wanted the works - which he donated to the Tate before committing suicide in February 1970 - to be hung with the stripes running horizontally and the location of his signature on the back of the paintings is believed to reflect this wish.

Despite this potential solution, no one is willing to disturb the works until the exhibition is over.

Despite the artist's signature, the correct way to display the works have never been agreed because there are no photographs available to indicate for certain how Rothko wished the works to be hung. Further complicating the issue is which of the two possible horizontal displays is the correct one, creating a risk of hanging the paintings upside-down.

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