Saturday, November 15, 2008

Japanese 'giving up on sex'

Japan is facing a crisis in the bedroom that threatens the very future of the nation, according to the head of the nation's Family Planning Association.

A new study by Dr. Kunio Kitamura has revealed that more than one third of all couples in Japan have effectively given up on sex, with most complaining they are too tired after work or that it is "boring."

"The results are a surprise because the numbers keep going up each year," said Dr. Kitamura.

In 2004, 32 per cent of Japanese admitted to not having sexual intercourse in the previous month. That number has now risen to 37 per cent, according to a report that will be presented to the Ministry of Health and Welfare next year.

"Of course, if people are not having sex then there will be fewer children," Dr. Kitamura said.

Japan's birth rate stood at 1.34 in 2007, far below the replenishment rate of 2.08 babies that is required for a stable population.

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