Sunday, November 30, 2008

Time to get off your arses: Rolf's advice to Aborigines

Rolf Harris yesterday apologised for being racist in his song Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport.

The Aussie star’s Sixties’ classic originally included the lines, Let me Abos go loose, Lou, let me Abos go loose, they’ve got no further use, Lou, So let me Abos go loose.

The reference to Australia’s Aboriginals was removed in later versions of the song, but Rolf said he regretted the lines had been there at all.

But despite the apology, the 78-year-old blasted the Aboriginals — blaming them for poor condition of their communities.

"You sit at home watching the television and you think to yourself, 'Get up off your arse and clean up the streets your bloody self, and why would you expect somebody to come in and clean up your garbage, which you've dumped everywhere,' but then you have to think to yourself that it's a different attitude to life," he said.

Aboriginal children were never disciplined or expected to adhere to rules until adulthood, he said in Melbourne. "Till then, they have a totally carefree life to do what they want, and that quite often involves smashing everything that they have." Harris blames traditional values for the dire conditions found in many Aboriginal communities.

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