Tuesday, December 23, 2008

If you’re in danger of enjoying Christmas ... well, watch out

Britain beware. The nation has been put on alert for a sinister Christmas-time menace.

Failure to heed the warnings, say ministers, could result in “tipsy” grandmas “toppling down the stairs” or “crashing to the floor when they miss their seat at the dinner table”, exploding gravy dishes and “parents stabbing themselves with scissors they’ve grabbed instead of screw-drivers to assemble toys”.

These danger signs are outlined in a “festive” leaflet designed to look like an Advent calendar and entitled “Tis the Season to Be Careful”. Some 150,000 will be thrust upon unsuspecting shoppers in high streets around the country in the last three shopping days before Christmas.

Delyth Morgan, the Minister for Children, insists that the leaflets are a well-meant attempt to advise parents about potential domestic hazards. This includes telling them to take care with candles and games with small pieces, and to be careful with aftershave and perfume, as they contain alcohol that is harmful if swallowed.

A list of typical yuletide accidents to be wary of include: people cutting themselves with knives they are using to open presents too quickly, children falling off rocking horses (presumably meant for those who think it is 1908, not 2008); bikes smashing into walls; hot fat spilt on the cook as they try to grapple with a big turkey; tipsy party guests crashing to the floor when they miss their seat at the table and children getting drunk on the last dregs of wine left in other people’s glasses.

Despite these warnings, RoSPA is still expecting more than 80,000 people to attend A&E departments this year after accidents at home during the 12 days of Christmas.

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