Sunday, December 21, 2008

Tree man's branches begin to grow back - Update

The tree man of Java has suffered a setback after bark-like growths that doctors removed from his hands and feet began to grow back.

Dede Koswara, who is in his late 30s, had more than a stone of warts cut from his body earlier this year and the former fisherman hoped to live independently for the first time since the cutaneous horns sprouted when he was a teenager.

On being discharged from hospital in September, Dede showed off his new ability to grip a pen, a feat that had been made impossible by the foot-long "roots" that previously covered his hands.

But the growths have now begun to return to his hands and feet, closing up the gaps between his digits leaving him unable to carry out basic tasks.

He manages at to smoke at his village on the outskirts of Bandung in West Java by balancing the cigarette between his first and middle finger, but has lost most of his dexterity.

When he left hospital doctors warned that the warts may grow back, but his condition is no longer life threatening.

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