Friday, January 30, 2009

F-word jury service shocker put innocent woman in dock

A four-letter response to jury duty sparked a surreal brush with the law for an innocent Darlington woman.

Denise Morrice’s jury summons was returned with the remark: “F*** off! I’ve got better things to do. OK!!”

She did not write the abuse, nor receive the original letter.

It was sent to the wrong address and intercepted by a malicious tamperer, Teesside Crown Court heard.

But Miss Morrice was arrested, brought before Teesside’s top judge and had to explain herself in the witness box before being exonerated.

She had to answer allegations of contempt of court which, if proven, could have resulted in a prison sentence. On hearing her explanation, backed up by police investigations, the judge said: “I believe you and I find you not guilty of the contempt.”

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