Thursday, January 15, 2009

Little Adolf Hitler taken away from parents - Update

A three-year-old boy named Adolf Hitler has been taken away from his parents and removed from the family's New Jersey home.

The boy hit the headlines last month after his parents complained that a supermarket had refused to make a birthday cake for him.

Adolf Hitler Campbell and his sisters, JoyceLynn Arian Nation 1, and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie, 8 months, were taken from the family home, police confirmed.

They said they had they had not received any reports of abuse or negligence, although no reason has yet been given for their removal.

The children's parents, Heath and Deborah, from Hunterdon County, New Jersey, have denied they are racist. But their home is decorated with swastikas. Campbell says he chose the names to honour his German ancestry and because they're unique.

Holland Township police Chief David Van Gilson confirmed that the children had been removed from their parents' home.

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