Thursday, March 12, 2009

Man fined for howling like a dog

An Australian man who was charged with disorderly behaviour after “howling like a dog” entered an endorsed plea of guilty to the Mandurah Magistrate’s Court.

Dwayne Ellwin Boyd of Greenfields did not appear in court in relation to the incident which happened on January 14.

The court heard police warned the 34-year-old man to “quieten down” after he was heard howling in the front yard of a Greenfields property at 11.30pm.

Boyd was reported to have continued howling after the warning and was verbally abusive to others at the house.

Police returned to the address 15 minutes later and found Boyd still howling and shouting abuse at his neighbours, calling them “dogs”. He was said to have been very intoxicated.

Magistrate Terence McIntyre said Boyd had a “distorted set of values” if he called others “dogs” yet howled like one. He fined Boyd $400 plus costs and said Boyd had wasted community resources.

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