Wednesday, April 01, 2009

'Death Row' could go up for sale

Legislators in California are considering "selling Death Row" which could raise up to $2 billion (£1.4 billion) in much-needed funds thanks to the correctional facility's prime location and enviable vistas.

The San Quentin State Prison, which was built in 1852, houses more than 5,300 inmates, including 635 prisoners sentenced to death. Situated in picturesque Marin County, it occupies a 435-acre site in one of Northern California's most desirable locations, and boasts panoramic views over San Francisco Bay.

Estate agents estimate that the land would be worth over $2 billion on the open market, and predict there would be considerable interest from property developers keen to build luxury apartments and offices on the site.

If plans to sell the prison are approved, lawmakers in California will build a new correctional facility – complete with expanded accommodations for the state's growing Death Row population – with the proceeds, a project that will cost an estimated $1 billion (£700 million). Profits from the sale would go towards stemming the Golden State's burgeoning budget gap, which is projected to reach $42 billion (£29 billion) within two years.

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