Thursday, May 07, 2009

Chief executive of speed camera firm banned for driving at 100mph

The chief executive of the company that installs the majority of speed cameras on Britain's roads was banned from driving for six months yesterday after admitting driving at more than 100mph.

Tom Riall, the boss of Serco's civil government division, which supplies and installs the Gatso fixed radar cameras to police forces, was travelling at 102.9mph on the A14 in Newmarket, Suffolk, just before 1pm on 4 January, magistrates in Sudbury heard. The speed limit on the dual carriageway is 70mph.

Riall, 49, had two other driving convictions from the last three years, including another speeding offence, the court heard, meaning the six-point penalty imposed by magistrates took him past the 12-point mark, incurring the ban. He was also fined £300.

Riall, who took part last year in a road safety campaign called Safe Drive Stay Alive, told the court he would like formally to apologise, saying: "In my role I am all too aware of the consequences of speeding." Riall said he was driving to visit friends in Newmarket before a business meeting in Norwich and the road was clear.

He asked magistrates not to impose a ban, saying it would cost about £30,000 to employ drivers to take him on business trips during the six months, and that the speeding offence had already caused "some considerable personal embarrassment".

There's a news video here.

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