Saturday, June 20, 2009

Australian sheep has outlived three owners

Mimi the ewe has outlasted three owners and may be the world's oldest sheep. Her latest owners Christopher Lawrence and his partner Linda Siemon, believe she is 23. But one neighbour reckons she is 22, while another thinks she is 25.

"She came with the title deeds," Mr Lawrence said at his property on the slopes of Mt Wellington. "I got the light bulbs and the sheep."

The surprisingly strong ewe can still run and has good hearing and eyesight. She took a turn for the worse two weeks ago when the first snows fell on the mountain.

"That really took the wind out of her sails," Ms Siemon said. "We thought that was it, but then she rallied. She's on anti-inflammatories at the moment. I have to give it to her in a syringe down her throat every night - she doesn't like that."

Mimi, shorn in November, was bred for her wool and is remembered by a former owner for her beautiful coat.

Determined and stubborn, but still surprisingly graceful in her advancing years, Mimi will never have to leave the land she knows so well. When she dies she will be buried on the mountain.

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