Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Human billboard hangs around

Human billboard Dan Herbison spent almost five hours dangling from a fence after deciding the best way to promote his job-search website was simply to hang out.

It was uncomfortable, but he did not crack under the strain. "But the harness . . . was giving me a bit of a wedgie."

He was suspended from a wire fence at the eastern side of Cobham Park, next to one of Wellington, New Zealand's busiest roundabouts.

The sight was almost too much for some motorists. "There were a couple of close calls with nose-to-tail accidents nearly happening," Mr Herbison said.

But there were also plenty of waves and toots. "There was one family that went around the roundabout five times with the kids waving and laughing out the window."

Mr Herbison, a draughtsman, was promoting perkjobs.co.nz, an online job noticeboard where people can find work or workers to do almost anything. "It is like Student Job Search, but targeting the general population."

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