Mrs Lawrence, 74, is nursing a badly bruised face and injured eye, but is lucky to be alive after the horse catapulted through her windscreen into her Nissan March on Wednesday night.
The horse was killed instantly and ended up draped across the seats, while the roof was peeled back by the impact. "I thought the body was the airbag that had gone off, " Mrs Lawrence said.

She had already narrowly avoided hitting two horses on the road at Tasman, west of Nelson, when a third ploughed through the windscreen with a "terrific noise and bang".
"The horse hit me on the corner right in front of me. But he didn't come straight back - he went across and he just grazed me, knocking his flaming hooves into my face on the way through, and his head was on the back and the rest of him was piled up beside me on the passenger's seat. If anyone else had been in the car, they wouldn't have had a hope."
Mrs Lawrence was able to get out of the car herself, but was treated in hospital for her facial injuries. "All the doctors at the hospital said go home and buy a Lotto ticket," she said.
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