Experts were unable to establish the root of the problem until they studied the cat's behaviour and noticed it persistently cleaned itself by licking its fur. They eventually diagnosed the animal with hyperactivity disorder – the equivalent of obsessive compulsive disorder suffered by humans.
It now lives at the RSPCA Little Valley Animal Centre, in Exeter, Devon, as its owner could no longer cope. A spokesman for the RSPCA said it was the first case they have come across of a cat suffering from OCD.

She said: ''Jasmine is a very sensitive cat prone to over-grooming herself, which is thought to be caused by a hyperactivity disorder, like OCD in humans. It is the first time we have come across a case like this. Her obsessive over-grooming behaviour and skin problems are linked to stress.
''Jasmine is a very special loving and playful cat who likes lots of routine, a lap to curl up on and a real fuss. However, she can be a little moody at times and will tell you when she has had enough and needs some space, but she really is a pleasure to have around and can be very playful.''
The spokesman added the RSPCA is now looking for a home for Jasmine. She said: ''Her over grooming and skin conditions are now under control, but whoever takes her on will need to monitor her closely and accept the fact that it is linked to stress. She needs a nice calm environment with routine and lots of love.''
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