Sunday, September 06, 2009

Deaf dog learns sign language

Being a border collie, Pixie is blessed with natural smarts - all the better to help the eight-week-old pup learn sign language.

Adorable as she is, Pixie is also deaf, which is why an Australian specialist is teaching her to recognise hand commands.

So far, Liz Grewal of Coffs Harbour has taught Pixie to sit, drop and come forth.

An owner of deaf dogs for six years, she's now instructing Pixie in the all-important art of doing her doggy business outdoors.

"Dogs understand your body language, your hand gestures, they read all of that. They know,'' Mrs Grewal said.

Mrs Grewal gets the attention of her four deaf dogs by squirting them with a little water bottle. She said deafness is common among canines: ``I want these dogs to have a fantastic life, and I know they can do it.''

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