The contest is being held in the village near Cirencester for the first time in 10 years. Only conkers collected and checked by the contest committee can be used in the competition.

These are to be marked with a special fluorescent pen, similar to those in use by at police forces to highlight stolen property. The winning team will then have their conkers examined by a special light to ensure there have been no substitutions.
Organiser Phil Heneghan said: "It is truly incredible what lengths some contestants will go to in their attempts to win the championship.

"All conkers used will be supplied to competitors by the committee, after being individually drilled and strung, in an effort to avoid the dishonest substitutions experienced in the past.
"We will also strain-test conkers in a vice and have a squad of people who will be checking the strings to ensure no elastic is used." Mr Heneghan said anyone found cheating would be banned.
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