Sunday, October 18, 2009

Car thief turns out to be hungry bear

With the alarm blaring and a shadowy figure rummaging around in the vehicle it looked like just another car theft in progress.

But when the police arrived they realise they might need more than handcuffs to collar this intruder. For it was not a human, but a bear, that had lumbered into the vehicle.

The animal had apparently crept up to the unlocked car, opened the door and climbed inside.

But as the door closed behind it, the young bear realised it couldn’t get out again and began to panic and thrash around, causing the alarm to go off.

The incident was reported to police in the Colorado Mountain Estates subdivision near Florissant, Colorado at 2.30am by a young couple frightened their car was being stolen.

Deputies from the Teller County Sheriff's Office opened the car door and were no doubt relieved when the animal scampered off without encouragement. It is thought the bear may have been attracted by the smell of food from within the car.

With more photos.

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