In her 15 years of saving animals Heather Allen says she has never seen something like this before. She says, "It's pretty comical, even for us who have been around forever, we just keep looking with amazement."
A week ago Allen was left with quite the life-saving challenge. He was a 1-hour-old Chihuahua that lost its mom while giving birth. Heather said, "I called Animal Control and I said ‘What do you have for me that's nursing’?"

The best Animal Control had was a black cat with four babies roughly the same size as the baby Chihuahua. Heather says, "I asked a couple of vets and one was like, ‘Oh, I don't know about that’ and the other one was like, ‘Oh I think that's ok"
Knowing that without a mom the baby Chihuahua did not have long to live, Heather introduced the two. She says, "I just kind of just stuck the puppy in with the rest and hoped the mom wouldn't notice much and she thought that was fine."
Seven days later the baby Chihuahua, now named Liam, is still alive. Heather says, "She's doing great, I don't know if she'll be litter-trained when she's done, but she's doing really well, she's nursing and seems to be growing and doing great."
With news video.
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