Friday, October 23, 2009

US mother threatens bike thief with karma

On Beltrees Street, across from Dunedin Stadium, a mother's rage is on display.

"To the slimeball that stole my little boy's bike from this house," the sign says. "Ever heard of karma, you idiot? My only regret is that I will never know what kind of hell your selfish act is going to bring down on you. You better watch your back dude, cause your payback is coming."

Something about posting that sign made Sylvia Bretz feel better. Scouring the neighbourhood had turned up nothing, and she didn't want to waste a police officer's time. But her 8-year-old's bike was missing. So she made the sign.

A laid-off graphic artist, she typed the letter in bold, blocky capital letters and punctuated it with a short phrase: "And you deserve it." She wrapped the sign in zipper bags, to shield it from rain, and posted it on a utility pole in her front yard.

"I didn't want to come off as really nasty or anything, even though I was thinking it," said Bretz, 52. "I don't know. I just kind of wanted (the thief) to read it."

Friends and neighbours like the threat of karmic justice, Bretz said, but she's thinking of taking the sign down soon. "Maybe it made me feel I could have some sort of influence in the situation. Maybe it made me feel I could get back somehow," she said. "Maybe it made me feel less powerless."

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