Friday, October 02, 2009

Workmen spell Bus Stop wrong on road

A schoolboy fears spelling is on the road to ruin - his `Bus Stop' is a `Bus Stor'.

Adam Gant, 11, spotted the embarrassing mistake in large letters as he walked to school with his mum, Sue, and little brother, Matthew, along Lord Lane, Failsworth, Oldham.

Adam, of Gail Close, Failsworth, said: "I imagine the person who misspelled `Stop' would be really embarrassed.

"What did they think they were marking? I'm not sure if it's a case of people not being able to spell these days or that they just can't be bothered. Either way, it's a pretty poor effort at spelling something simple."

Sue, 49, said: "It's caused quite a stir. We must be the only place in the country with a `Bus Stor'. What's really weird is that the same people spelt it right further up the road." But while seeing the funny side, Sue, who walks Matthew to St Mary's RC Primary School each morning, said there were other more serious issues to consider.

She said: "Every day hundreds of kids walk up and down Lord Lane on their way to their schools. What kind of example does this set to them?"

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