Mrs Chapman from Oberon Street, said that, fearing for her life, she bit, kicked and punched one of the men before fending the other off with a brush and her Bible. Mrs Chapman awoke from resting in her living room at about 4.30pm to find one of the pair in her hallway, having managed to break in without leaving a mark on the door.
The man, who was not wearing a uniform, claimed that he was a policeman there to investigate a spate of burglaries. As he spoke, Mrs Chapman noticed that the light was on upstairs where the man's accomplice was already ransacking her bedroom.

When she went upstairs, one pinned her on her bed while the other found coins she had collected for missionaries who work with street children. But he was not satisfied because the sum was small.
"He had his hands round my mouth and I couldn't breathe," she recalled. "He said 'We want money' and I said 'You can take it if you find it because I don't have any'. I gave one a kick on the backside and got him off and bit his hand with my false teeth. I hit the other with the brush.
"I'm a Christian and I lifted my Bible and shook it at him." Smiling, she added: "They weren't very good robbers – one of the boys was shaking like a leaf.
There's a news video here.
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