Wednesday, December 02, 2009

British Muslim peer pelted with eggs for not being a proper Muslim

Conservative Muslim Peer Baroness Warsi of Dewsbury has criticised a group of Islamic extremists who pelted her with eggs and shouted abuse at her during a visit in Luton.

The shadow minister for community cohesion and social action had been meeting local businesses with Tory candidates when she was attacked just before 5pm on Monday.

Up to 10 local British male protesters, believed to be members of the controversial Al Muhajiroun group, started shouting abuse at the Peer, accusing her of not being a proper Muslim and supporting the deaths of Muslims in Afghanistan.

Members of the group then threw several eggs at her, with one hitting her on the side of the head and another soiling her jacket. Baroness Warsi, the country's most powerful female Muslims, was not injured during the attack in the city's Bury Park area.

Amid concerns for her safety, witnesses said Baroness Warsi refused to run from the group, but instead started remonstrating with them, later branding them "extremists" who did not represent the views of British Muslims. She later retreated into a sari shop.

Despite police being called, no one was arrested for the attack which was universally condemned by locals.

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