Saturday, December 19, 2009

Controversial display shows Jesus hunting down Santa and Rudolph

A Christmas display is being blamed for spreading holiday jeer around the neighbourhood.

The display features Santa, Jesus and Rudolph, but it's not your typical holiday decor.

Santa is shown dead on the ground with X's over his eyes. Standing over Santa and staring down the barrel of his shotgun is Jesus. And the dead, limp body of Rudolph is strewn over the back of a pickup truck.

The display is the work of Ron Lake, who says he's simply trying to make a point about the commercialized holiday.

"Christmas isn't about Santa; it's about Jesus," he said. "It's an expression of my repressed creativity."

But neighbours don't care what Lake's point is. "It's morbid," said neighbour Karen Clement."It's private property and everybody has a right to it, but then I have a right to stand up and say, 'I don't like it."'

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