Saturday, December 05, 2009

Couple scrap wedding list and ask for blood instead

A couple from Oxfordshire surprised their wedding guests by throwing out the traditional wedding list and asking them to donate blood instead.

Daniel and Jane Cluff, both 35, from Abingdon, have never needed a blood transfusion themselves.

The pair have both donated blood since the age of 18 and thought it would be a good idea to encourage more people to sign up to the National Blood Service. Twenty-five of their 120 guests agreed to donate blood.

As well as the invitations, guests had a chance to find out more about giving blood via an information board they made especially for the day.

"Some people were quite surprised," said Mrs Cluff. "A couple of friends said they'd been meaning to do it for ages it actually spurred them onto donate which was really good and hopefully they'll continue doing so."

Jonathan Sewell, lead donor relations manager for the National Blood Service, said: "A lot of people do tend to go for a big gift list at weddings these days, so for someone to turn round and be as generous as this is incredible."

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