Saturday, December 19, 2009

Swedish MP caught with his trousers down

A shamefaced Swedish MP yesterday came up with a novel excuse for discarding his trousers and behaving badly at the Christmas party: a recent stomach bypass operation meant that the beer and schnapps had gone straight to his head.

Per Svedberg, 44, was seeking to explain why he was seen wandering the corridors of the Swedish Parliament stripped to his shirt and underpants in pursuit of a female Social Democrat colleague.

The object of his drunken desires took refuge in her office and called security guards after the festive representative repeatedly banged on her door and used unparliamentary language to demand a coalition. The guards escorted him back to his own office where he was reunited with his trousers.

Images from here.

“I went through a gastric bypass a while back, which means that alcohol goes straight into the blood stream,” Mr Svedberg, an MP from the north of the country, told the Swedish website Politikerbloggen. “I know full well that I should not drink alcohol but I thought I could have some beer. It suggests that I need help, of course,” he said. “I am not going to excuse what happened; I was simply too drunk.”

Asked about reports that he shouted lewd suggestions outside his colleague’s door, he added: “I usually do not use those words but, if there is someone who says I said this, I cannot dismiss it.”

The female MP, who has not been named, yesterday tried to play down the events of the Christmas party and said that she forgave her colleague. “I understand that he is repentant because this cannot have been his intention at all,” she told Politikerbloggen, adding that normally he was a cheerful and pleasant person.

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